Almond Wine (2)

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  • 2 oz. mixed sweet/bitter almonds
  • 1 lb. raisins
  • 2-1/2 lb. granulated sugar
  • 1 gallon water
  • 3 lemons
  • Yeast and nutrient

Chop or mince the almonds and raisins, place in grain-bag with lemon zest, then boil gently in 1 gallon water for an hour, adding sugar and stirring to dissolve near the end. Allow to cool to 70 degrees. Remove grain-bag, squeezing firmly to extract liquor into primary fermentation vessel. Add water to restore 1 gallon. Add lemon juice, yeast and nutrient, cover, and stir twice a day for 10 days. Strain through fine-mesh sieve into fermenting bottle and fit airlock. Rack after 30 days, then again after 6 weeks. Rack and bottle after an additional 6 weeks. Taste after 1 year. [Adapted from C.J.J. Berry’s 130 New Winemaking Recipes]