Apple Wine (3) [Light bodied]

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  • 6 lb. windfall apples, mixed varieties
  • 1/2 lb. chopped golden raisins
  • 3 lb. granulated sugar
  • 1 lemon
  • 1/2 tsp. pectic enzyme
  • yeast and nutrient

Chop the apples into small pieces and bring to simmer in 1 gallon water, holding simmer for 15 minutes. Strain liquid onto the sugar in V, adding the zest of the lemon and stirring well to blend. When nearly cool, add lemon juice and pectic enzyme, stir well, cover, and set in warm place for 24 hours. Add yeast and nutrient, again stir well, cover again, and set in warm place for an additional 24 hours. Strain again into secondary fermentation vessel and fit with airlock. Rack after 30 days, add chopped raisins, and allow to ferment under airlock for six months. Rack and bottle. Taste after six months, or allow one year to mature.[Adapted from C.J.J. Berry’s First Steps in Winemaking]