Boysenberry Wine

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  • 4 lb. boysenberries (fresh or frozen)
  • 1-3/4 lb. granulated sugar
  • 1/2 tsp. pectic enzyme
  • 1/2 tsp. acid blend
  • crushed Campden tablet
  • 7 pts. water
  • wine yeast and nutrient

Pick fully ripe, best quality berries. Wash thoroughly and place in nylon jelly-bag. Mash and squeeze out all juice into primary fermentation vessel. Tie jelly-bag and place in primary fermentation vessel with all ingredients except pectic enzyme and yeast. Stir well to dissolve sugar, cover well, and set aside for 12 hours. Add pectic enzyme, recover and set aside another 12 hours. Add yeast, cover, and set aside for 5 days, stirring daily. Strain juice from jelly-bag and siphon off sediments into secondary fermentation vessel of dark glass (or wrap clear glass with brown paper), adding water to bring to shoulder, and fit airlock. Place in cool (60-65 degrees F.) dark place for three weeks. Rack, allow another two months to finish, then rack again and bottle in dark glass. Allow a year to mature. [Adapted from Raymond Massaccesi’s Winemaker’s Recipe Handbook]