Dandelion Wine (10)

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  • 4 cups dandelion petals
  • ¾ lb white or golden raisins (chopped)
  • 5-2/3 cups granulated sugar
  • 3 level tsp acid blends
  • 2 tsp yeast nutrient
  • 1 Campden tablet, crushed
  • water to make 1 gallon
  • Rhine wine yeast

Put flower petals and all ingredients except yeast into primary and stir well to dissolve sugar. Cover primary and set aside for 24 hours. Add yeast and stir twice daily until specific gravity drops to 1.030 (about 7 days). Strain into secondary and fit airlock. Rack when wine clears, top up and refit airlock. Rack again every 2 months until no more sediments appear. Stabilize, wait 2 weeks and rack into bottles. Age 6-12 months before tasting.

[Adapted recipe from Robert and Eileen Frishman’s Enjoy Home Winemaking]

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