Highbush Cranberry Wine
The Highbush Cranberry (Viburnum trilobum), is more widely distributed than either the Common Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) or the Creeping Cranberry (Vaccinium oxycoccos), also know as the Small Cranberry. The Highbush is found all across Canada and the extreme northern portions of New England (Maine) to Minnesota and through wide portions of Canada. It is a matted shrub with erect branches bearing large, tri-lobed leaves of deep forest green. The fruits appear in bunches on short stems at the tips of branches and are easily picked by humans and bears alike.

- 3 lbs ripe highbush cranberries
- 1 lb minced or chopped golden raisins or sultanas
- 2-1/2 lbs finely granulated sugar
- 7 pts water
- 1/2 tsp pectic enzyme
- 1 tsp yeast nutrient
- 1 packet Champagne yeast
Wash three pounds of cranberries and sort for soundness. Put the water on to boil. Meanwhile, coarsely chop the cranberries and put in primary with minced or chopped golden raisins or sultanas. Pour sugar over fruit and boiling water over all. When cooled to room temperature, add pectic enzyme and yeast nutrient. Stir, cover with sterile cloth and set aside for 12 hours. Add yeast, recover and stir daily. After 14 days of fermentation, pour through nylon straining bag, squeeze to extract all juices, transfer to secondary, and fit airlock. Rack after 30 days, top up, refit airlock, and ferment to dryness. Rack into bottles and age at least 9 months before sampling. [Author’s own recipe]