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  • 2 lb dark raisins
  • 2 lbs honey
  • 7 pts water
  • 3 large lemons
  • 12 cloves
  • 1 blade of mace
  • 1 cup cold, strong, black tea
  • 1/2 oz bruised ginger root
  • 1 tsp yeast nutrient
  • 1 pkt Maury yeast

Bring water to a simmer while dissolving into it the honey. Add the zest of the lemons, retaining their juice for later use, and the ginger, mace and cloves. Simmer (but do not boil) for 20 minutes. Remove from heat and skim off any surface scum resulting from the honey. When cool, strain into a secondary fermentation vessel and add tea, lemon juice and yeast nutrient. Stir well, then add activated yeast and fit airlock. Ferment 2 months, rack, top up, and refit airlock. Set aside 3 months and rack again. Stabilize, sweeten to taste and refit airlock. Wait another 3-6 months. If no signs of renewed fermentation, bottle. [Recipe adapted from The On-Line Wine Makers Guide ]